Kourtney Kardashian Reveals the Caffeinated Drink She Swears By: ‘It Makes My Tummy Flatter!’ Yes its Green Tea!

Kourtney K DRINKS green tea to keep her tummy flat

It’s no secret that the Kardashian family has a few tricks up their sleeves when it comes to beauty, but Kourtney might have just revealed one of the most surprising yet: Put down the cold brew and pick up some green tea.    

Drink Tea Bird Green Tea to stay slim like Kourtney  Drink Tea Bird green Tea to stay slim   

As a member of one of America’s busiest families, you would think that Kardashian would need every ounce of caffeine she could get just to keep up—but in one of her latest posts on her app, the eldest Kardashian made it clear that she dropped coffee a long time ago.

“First off, I’m allergic to coffee—it makes me insane! I get really hyper and really on edge when I drink it, so I stopped drinking it when I was 21 or 22,” Kardashian wrote.

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Ever since then, Kardashian continued, green tea has been her “go-to.” And it wasn’t just her mood that changed when she swapped out coffee, she also noticed some positive changes to her fitness. “I swear it makes my tummy flatter! Also, green tea can help reduce the signs of cellulite.”

Kourtney says she usually has “hot green tea late in the late morning or early noon,” adding that her  favorite is “a cup with honey and a little splash of almond milk—that’s my thing at a restaurant.”

Kardashian attributes the benefits to green tea’s tendency to deliver caffeine “much slower than with espresso or coffee, so it lasts longer.”

Article credit BY  for People Food

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