Vanilla Tea Bird Iced Tea recipes

Vanilla Tea Bird Iced Tea recipes

Whether you’re taking your drinks to go or just chilling out at your own backyard, Iced Tea is the way to go! We want you enjoying life to your fullest. So here are our Top 3 Yummiest Summer Iced Tea concoctions guaranteed to shake off pounds while still satisfying your sweet cravings.

 Vanilla and Hibiscus Iced Tea

Vanilla X Hibiscus Tea Bird Iced Tea

Serves: 4

Time: 5 minutes

Ingredients:        1 Vanilla Rooibos Teabag

                                    1 Hibiscus Teabag


                                    400ml Hot Water

                                    Sugar Syrup/Organic Honey

                                    Orange (optional)

                                    Pear Slices (garnish)

In a big jug, steep 1 Vanilla Rooibos Teabag and 1 Hibiscus Teabag in 200 ml of hot water for 1 minute to let flavours seep in. Squeeze in the juice of an orange to enhance fruity taste. Add ice into jar. When ice cold, pour iced tea into glass and top up with either syrup or honey to taste. Add a slice of pear to garnish.

Check out our Vanilla x Hibiscus Tea Bird Tea Blend for an all-ready-mix option.


Fruity Moroccan Green Cold Brew Iced Tea

Tea Bird Moroccan mint iced tea

Serves: 4

Prep time: 5 minutes

Ingredients:        2.5 Tablespoon Moroccan Mint Tea Bird Tea

                                    2.5 Tablespoon Green Tea Bird Tea

                                    1 Litre of Water

Simple Sugar Syrup/ Honey

Fresh mint, kiwi, strawberries, lemon slices (garnish)

Make a litre of cold brew with loose leaf and water. Click here to check out correct ratio of loose leaf to water. Store in fridge for at least 8 hours or overnight. When you are ready to enjoy your cold brew, strain it out in a glass, topped up with sliced fruits and garnish with mint leaves. Add honey or simple syrup to taste.

Vanilla Rooibos x Lemon Grass Iced Tea

Vanilla Rooibos Iced Tea

Serves: 2

Time: 5 minutes

Ingredients:        1 Teaspoon Vanilla Rooibos Tea

                                    1 Teaspoon Lemongrass Tea

                                    A pinch of Cardamom, Clover and Cinnamon for Spice

                                    2 Tablespoons of Honey/ Sugar Syrup

                                    200ml warm water


In a jug container, mix warm water, loose leaf teas and spices together. Mix Well. In your tall glass, pre- add ice before straining tea mixture in. Stir in honey or sugar syrup to taste.

These simple yet nourishing iced teas will keep you cool in the summer heat wave! Check out beneficial facts about our Vanilla Rooibos Tea Bird Tea here.

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