Hormones - its all tea 5 min read

Author: Datin Eileen Unwin - “Intention is more than wishful thinking; it’s wilful direction”
Finding balance in our lives was the topic of conversation in my last article so now, let us delve a little deeper into the importance of combating the intrusion of pesky little hormones that negatively affect both our mind and body.
Putting medications and hormone replacement interventions aside, focusing on and acknowledging the influence of home remedy tools, has the innate ability to alleviate the symptoms and provide us with respite from insanity and a more welcome sense of sanity. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle ... connecting the pieces in order, is the key to living.
What is life without the freedom of emotions to live and enjoy it?
A constant rollercoaster of hormones may seem normal or it may simply be, that you are consciously unaware of the influence that they have on your day to day life. Whatever your state of awareness, it goes without saying, that they creep upon us unannounced. They establish an irrational state of anxiety together with a lack of compassion and no sense of responsibility on how to rationally react to our body, mind, environment and communication with others. It can be a vicious, exhausting and miserable cycle for many. We can play the “I’m hormonal” card but is that not an excuse for yourself and even others, to warrant negative behaviour towards your emotions and play upon a weakness?
So, the main priority is to start to understand them in order to control them. If engaging in civil communication, restoring good sleep patterns, balancing skin, appetite, bloating and weight are your priorities then you are on your way to victory.
Using a basic mental platform to gauge the level of emotions is the only saviour in adjusting and monitoring a monthly pattern of behaviour. Whilst ‘cure’ is not a word we can use against nature, ‘belief’ is. IF you are willing to believe that positive dietary and lifestyle changes, through choice, are your road to living and feeling fulfilled then you are guaranteed a 80%+ success rate. Read that again; Guaranteed. Jon Johnson of Medical News Today reinforces the idea that “For some people, making simple lifestyle changes can help to restore levels of hormones”.
Changes is the key word here. Every day, you need not only to be intentional but consistent in your awareness of choices in order to adapt to the change your body is experiencing. A wholesome, whole food diet is crucial including ALL the food groups; let go of high fat, low carb, high protein, no sugar .... fad fad fad. To consume little or no alcohol but offsetting your natural fluid consumption of water with organic, herbal teas has had proven results. The gut is an environment in itself and focusing on it’s health through natural means is an integral element of success. Herbs (raspberry, hibiscus, nettle leaf) and healing foods (berries, avocado, spinach, cucumber, apple) are an effective supplement that we can call upon to assist in the combat of unhealthy gut bacteria. They balance as well as stabilise and cleanse the blood, revitalising organs, reducing water retention and simply send positive signals through our nervous system to encourage an optimistic mental state.
Establishing these choice changes and incorporating a daily focus on movement results in a mission of living a less stressful and demanding lifestyle. By movement, I mean removing the pressure to adhere to a demanding high cardio, high impact, machine weight focused exercise routine. What hormones require is a sense of internal serenity so your body becomes that haven of calmness. The hormones are naturally encouraged to surrender to mental positivity and an understanding of how our mind affects our body, how our breath controls our mind and how ultimately the movement of ourselves through simple acts of martial arts, body weight, yoga, meditation, Pilates release the most trustworthy of neural transmissions.
Everyday we are faced with a million choices and with so much false information, sales campaigns and advertising the pressure is on ‘you’ to discover yourself in it’s truest form. To level your mind and body is to take the control back from your hormones. If our dietary and exercise patterns are erratic, this will have a direct influence on the stable structure of hormones. The more you believe what ‘you’ are doing, feeling and being through positive adaptations to food, movement and lifestyle choices whilst having the courage to dismiss the propaganda of diet plans and unrealistic exercise routines, the more you will transpire as a wholesome version of yourself. One that feels healthy, sleeps peacefully, thinks with clarity, communicates rationally and lives in harmony. Simply knowing is the key.
Tea Bird Tea offers a range of organic, herbal teas that are blended with health and wellbeing in mind. Their Berry Blush tea naturally balances hormones with its combination of hibiscus, goji berries, apple and lemon to encourage a sense of calmness whilst reducing fluid retention, bloating and supporting a good night’s rest.