Episode 4: Becky Fox, sustainable business mentor

Episode 4: Becky Fox, sustainable business mentor

Becky Fox is the founder of the susMBA, a sustainable business mentor and a born community builder. She first learned about the power of community growing up in a community centre and went on to put what she'd learned into practice by building a surfing business with no money in her early 20s. She's gone on to work with a number of businesses in the sustainability space since then and what has united the successful ones has been the strength of the communities they lean on.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How Becky built her first purpose-led business with no money;
  • Community and brand building;
  • Going to business school and founding the susMBA;
  • Common practices of purpose-led businesses;
  • Why we need 'nudges' for mass adoption of sustainable practices;
  • What the future of business looks like.


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The Purpose Effect X Tea Bird Tea

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