Ashleigh Cotterill, Tea Bird Tea - Week 3 Total weightloss 3 kilos - TBT123

Ashleigh Cotterill, Tea Bird Tea - Week 3 Total weightloss 3 kilos - TBT123

Commenced TBT123 Week 3 January 2018

  Weight      |         Actions taken           |         Lost          |     Total Weightloss   |    

77.5 kilos            Stopped/ Started                  1 kilo                         3 kilo

Stopped Week 3 of new regime no alcohol now adding reducing salt 

Began hitting the gym managed 4 sessions and had to take Panadol extend in between just to keep moving. As always my weight went up at first as did my hunger but less sugar cravings from the previous week.

Theory: I was really hungry - but more for picking at food continually than my cooked meals, extra work and exercise meant extra tired and i did drink a daily coffee which the previous 2 weeks I had completely stopped.

However the rest of the days where fully committed to drinking teas - flavours of the week where Hibiscus, Vanilla, Ginger and Green.

Week 3 End Week 3 Ashleigh Cotterill 77.5 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 3kilos - need my roots done ;0)

Ashleigh Cotterill lost 3 kilosAshleigh Cotterill week 3

Week 2

Ashleigh Cotterill TBT123 Week2Ashleigh Cotterill Week 2 TBT123 - Lost 0.5

End Week 2 Ashleigh Cotterill 78.5 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 2kilos

 Ashleigh Cotterill 79 Kilos End Week 1 OYNBAshleigh Cotterill 79 Kilos End Week 1 OYNB

End Week 1 Ashleigh Cotterill 79 kilos TBT123

Recap of why I am doing this...

1) Smash my baby weight gain out of the park - my ideal weight for my height is 65 kilos so I definitely wanted to get back to that as the last time I was that weight was when I ran my PB Marathon time of 4.30 HRS in the Sydney Marathon just before I became pregnant with my first baby - that was 6 years ago ;0/ tricky right! Still tricky and I believe I have been lulled into a false sense of security as I retain ridiculous amounts of water like Verucca in Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory when she turns into a giant blueberry and has to be squeezed - well thats me ;0/

2) Settle some key health goals - last year I completed the full body exec health check and I came out as extremely fit, (I ran Singapore marathon a few months before), desirable cholesterol (shocking really give my love of meat) and all bloods, liver function heart function excellent - apart from the fact I was 20 kilos overweight. How can you be both those things? Even the Dr seemed perplexed! Getting the courage up to book the next session will book a time slot before the end of Week 4

3) Improve and balance my moods - I get snappy at my family (BTW I am not saying slim people are not snappy because well some are just hangry but) its proven that your are what you eat and if you are putting rubbish in you will get snappy back from me ;0) I find I am less bothered by what others are saying or doing and I really don't care what they think about the OYNB experience - my personal focus really has changed for me over the last 21 days and I believe this is a foundation I can continually build on plus I have managed to really kick through some creative challenges I was having which has in-turn improved the quality of my work. For me my work is my passion but no matter your passion is - yoga, designing, teaching or origami being able to truly focus on that when you are doing it is surely just as good as going to mindfulness classes??? 

4) I am scared of cancer and disease - I am in the ball park, I have had it in my family, I just hit 40 and its effected my friends lives significantly - its all around apparently I can get it from getting my gel nails done so i have to give that up too. Drinking AND eating carcinogens have been a big part of my life for a long time now that I am being more focused I do have less irrational fears of disease!

- I L O V E  S U G A R | I don't eat a lot of dairy but

- I L O V E  M E A T | I don't eat a lot of sweets but

- I L O V E  W I N E | I don't get to the gym that often because I hate it and I have no time but Stopped!

- I I L O V E  E X C E R C I S I N G  O U T S I D E Hit the gym hard and the gym hit me hard ;0)

- Anyway these are my key habits which are barriers to my success when it comes to kicking that extra 20 kilos I have lovingly collected over the last 6 years and I am ready to face them! Its 17 kilos to go now!!!!

5) I have some great clothes which I never get to wear and I am sick of my mum having digs about my weight - (mum I love you but seriously), and I don't want to end up in my 50's, 60's and 70's talking about weight - its boring and I love food, travel, experiences and celebrations with the ones you love TOO much to give in to boring food demons. I feel less tired this week and I noticed my posture is improving..

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Ginger and Colon blend - boost immune and ease digestion

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