Lose 4 inches and 5kg in 3 weeks

Lose 4 inches and 5kg in 3 weeks

21 Days on the Bikini 21 TBT123 program and we have lost 8kg!

So, we've reached day 21 of the Bikini 21 Tea Detox Programme. Cumulatively we have lost 8kg and 8 inches!! In only 3 weeks. And we enjoyed doing the Bikini 21 so much that we have decided to do it again, but this time, better. This time we've got some more healthy, sugar free recipes up our sleeves, and we will feel that bit more smug when we know we're doing our bodies a big favour. The health benefits of cutting out unnecessary saturated fats, and sugar are well documents.

It worked so well we started again...

We will weigh in on day one, at a mid point, and then again at the end. We will measure, like we did before. Only this time we will know that we can tackle the crunch points more easily than before. That time of day when you feel you deserve a break - either some chocolate or maybe a glass of wine...this time around, we know that putting on the kettle or pulling a chilled Tea Bird Tea out of the fridge will fill that gap and quieten that tempting voice in our heads. We will make our healthy choices even healthier.

Using intermittent fasting and a healthy diet really works - I feel lighter, brighter and more alert at work and my clothes feel comfortable but most of all people said they really noticed the difference in my skin and that I looked younger!

What have you done once, and then decided to do again, but better? Think back to school, or training for a sports event, or practising a musical instrument. The more you practise, or rework, rethink, redo, the more successful you become, right? Well that's the challenge we've set ourselves this time around. We will do it better, and enjoy it even more. So watch this space. And let us know what you've done better, take two, or three, or four! 

Click here to learn more about the Bikini 21 TBT123 

Bikini 21 TBT123

Bikini 21 is a 3 Week Teatoxing Diet from Tea Bird Tea supported with a health diet plan.

Loose 7kg's in 21 days - feel great - feel lighter - feel brighter

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