When is too much sugar to much?

Tea Bird Tea is an organic tea range targeting day to day wellness and helping manage your health and active as a preventative measure to illness. We take health and disease seriously and when we began we sold grow in the bag herbs to support a healthy diet.
It wasn’t long before our customers started asking us to provide grow in the bag tea. While it was a great idea and most certainly we can definitely grow our own mint and lemongrass teas it is tricky to make sure the taste and health benefits remain the same with every cup, but it did get us thinking…
Not long after that we knew we wanted to offer the same health benefits we where offering in our grow in the bag range via our tea range – the taste needed to be exceptional, the health benefits needed to be relevant and we needed to explain to our customers how they could benefit from our TBT blends. What health issues should I be protecting myself from?
Around the world there is a shift towards a better understanding of the long term effects different life stresses and processed foods can have on your body. In the top 10 alone we find high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and anxiety are causing serious day-to-day harm to our friends and families – not to mention the increased cost of never ending treatments and hospital appointments required to manage these illnesses.
All of these diseases are on the rise and we understand that’s it’s not realistic to expect whole nations to change overnight and actually eating fresh, clean and unprocessed can be really expensive. On top of that people just do not have the time to spend preparing meals so we now have this big health gap which is causing the rise in disease purely through a basic change in lifestyles, people have less time and need more convenience to live their lives which unfortunately adds inches to our frames.
We have become lazy…overweight, unfit and we seem to be suffering from it… Did you know that diabetes is one of the fastest going health issues around the world today? How do you think Malaysia shapes up in todays climate??? Malaysia has the most number of overweight and obese people in Asia, obesity is a main cause of diabetes 54% of the adult population is either obese or overweight, compared to only 24.1% 10 years ago. Maybe it’s the sugar????
How can we help?
We know you love sweet tastes and we know its hard to hide from sugar so we made a range of teas that are naturally sweet so you don’t feel like you are missing out. Based on a Morning, Noon & Night idea that your body needs different support at different times of the day we have created a daily menu to make you feel lighter, brighter and ready for anything.
Morning – Choose from Liver Detox, Green Tea or Dandelion to wake you up and get your liver and kidney’s working.
Noon – Choose either Sweet treat Vanilla Rooibus, Ginger Snap Immune Booster or Alkalizing PH to reduce acid.
Night - Choose from relaxing Lemongrass & Ginger, Overnight Colon Cleanse or Mint digestive to refresh your digestion and stop bloating after your evening meal.
Our teas are completely organic, completely sugar free and have no fake sugars or flavours added, so give them a try and see how good you feel this festive season.
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