Tea Punks - Pimp our special gifts for friends & family or tell us why we should surprise someone you know for FREE!

Tea Punks - Pimp our special gifts for friends & family or tell us why we should surprise someone you know for FREE!

Love tea? We really love Tea Bird Tea so this week we sent some lucky locals a FREE pimped out personalised Raya gift right to their door!

Sound too good to be true? All you have to do to receive a FREE pimped out Tea Bird Gift is nominate a friend for a blend and tell us why they should receive a free gift from Tea Bird Tea.

All they have to do? - Snap a pic when they receive their FREE Tea bird Tea Gift and #teabirdtea #1myrcharitea and tell us why you love it or how it made you feel!

Tea Bird Tea Golden Gifts for Raya

Here is a snap from one lucky receiver you was lucky enough to get one of our personalised Raya packs.

Celeb Surprise Tea Bird Tea Hydration packs

Contact us via whatsapp +601116336701 or email us @ info@balconybloomer.com.au or why not just click here and order direct sting the reasons you want to send a Tea Bird Tea Pimp Surprise.

Read more

Personalise your Hari Raya Hydration Gifts

Personalise your Hari Raya Hydration Gifts

Johor National Parks Sustainability

Why is sustainability important to Tea Bird Tea?

Cold Storage Section 14 - Hydration Raya Packs on shelf today!

Cold Storage Section 14 - Hydration Raya Packs on shelf today!


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