Tea Punks - Pimp our special gifts for friends & family or tell us why we should surprise someone you know for FREE!

Love tea? We really love Tea Bird Tea so this week we sent some lucky locals a FREE pimped out personalised Raya gift right to their door!
Sound too good to be true? All you have to do to receive a FREE pimped out Tea Bird Gift is nominate a friend for a blend and tell us why they should receive a free gift from Tea Bird Tea.
All they have to do? - Snap a pic when they receive their FREE Tea bird Tea Gift and #teabirdtea #1myrcharitea and tell us why you love it or how it made you feel!
Here is a snap from one lucky receiver you was lucky enough to get one of our personalised Raya packs.
Contact us via whatsapp +601116336701 or email us @ info@balconybloomer.com.au or why not just click here and order direct sting the reasons you want to send a Tea Bird Tea Pimp Surprise.