#RUIHINTHECITY Event for CNY2018 Bangsar

#RUIHINTHECITY Event for CNY2018 Bangsar

Happy Chinese New Year 2018 The year of the Dog...

We really enjoyed #ruihinthecity this weekend at APW Bangsar and we got to share our amazing new iced tea blend which you can make yourself at home!

There was a lot of hustling and bustling this weekend @apwbangsar with an amazing atmosphere of live music and performances to inspire and excite your senses. It was like a mini festival right in the heart of Bangsar with people dancing, laughing, trying new products from a range of small businesses and relaxing. The great thing about these events is actually spending time with customers face to face and being able to answer all your questions - we couldn't do what we do without your so you are always the heart of everything we do thank you!

Deborah Henry loves Tea Bird Tea

Here is the recipe for the flavour of the day its super easy to make at home!

1 Hibiscus Tea Bird Teabag plus 1 Vanilla Tea Bird Teabag

1 litre boiling water - you can make 2 litres but its up to you on the strength of the taste you would like..

1 sliced orange - can leave peel on or off as you prefer 

Honey or Tea Bird Tea Syrup to sweeten as desired


  1. We like to cook in a  saucepan so you can boil up the orange and get that extra layer of taste.
  2. If you are using our loose leaf blends you can add both blends into 1 teapot at the same time using 1 teaspoon of each.
  3. Add boiling water
  4.  Let brew for 10-15 mins - there are no tannins in these teas so they will not taste bitter when left to steep.
  5. Pour into saucepan with your sliced orange
  6. Simmer until orange is saturated with the tea blends

Serve hot and add honey or Tea Bird Tea Syrup to sweeten optional

Serve cold - left cool then place in a jug in the fridge - the taste is strong so you can happily add as much ice as you like

Fugeelah loves Tea Bird Iced TeaTea Bird Travel spinners


Read more

Kept running got back ache stopped and ate some ice-cream - did you know that people who sleep less are on average 10pounds heavier than people who get 8 hrs a night?...Ashleigh Cotterill, Tea Bird Tea - Week 6 Total weight loss 3.5 kilos - TBT123

Kept running got back ache stopped and ate some ice-cream - did you know that people who sleep less are on average 10pounds heavier than people who get 8 hrs a night?...Ashleigh Cotterill, Tea Bird Tea - Week 6 Total weight loss 3.5 kilos - TBT123

Johor National Parks Sustainability

Why is sustainability important to Tea Bird Tea?

Week 7 total weightloss 4 kilos Ashleigh Cotterill uses herself as the litmus test for Tea Bird Tea

Week 7 total weightloss 4 kilos Ashleigh Cotterill uses herself as the litmus test for Tea Bird Tea


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